Ulrike Höfken supports Ecoliance Rheinland-Pfalz in two future topics
The executive committee of the Ecoliance Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. as well as representatives of the research project UmTecNetz-Potenzial-RLP visited the minister of the environment Ulrike Höfken in the ministry of the environment Rhineland-Palatinate on 02.12.2019 to report about the restructuring and the newest developments in the environmental technology network.
Ulrike Höfken underlined the importance of the Ecoliance network in climate protection and in this context also asked about the Ecoliance's demands on the state's energy and climate policy.
In this context, two central topics on which the Ecoliance intends to work closely with the Minister in the future were identified: the supply of electricity from renewable energies to small and medium-sized companies and the support for initiatives to supply trucks with biomethane.
Next year Ecoliance Rhineland-Palatinate is going to participate in the Minister's tour through Rhineland-Palatinate on the topic of "Energy transition and climate protection", during which she will visit the municipalities to encourage them in their role as decentralised motors for new developments in climate protection.
Visit at the ministry of the environment Rhineland-Palatinate: Arndt Müller (Stadtwerke Trier), Dr. Barbara Jörg (ministry of the environment RLP), Prof. Dr. Henrik te Heesen (Environmental Campus Birkenfeld), Ulrike Höfken (Minister of environment) Werner Zimmermann (Rhenocoll), Dr. Ricki Rosenfeldt (nEcoTox), Lara Hoffmann (Environmental Campus Birkenfeld)