euWater4i-SD – We help you internationalise your business!

The EU project euWater4i-SD (“EUropean Water-Smart initiative for fostering International Sustainable Development”) aims to support European SMEs that want to enter South American and East African markets.

The project, funded by the European Union's COSME programme, started in September 2021 and will run for three years. euWater4i-SD is funded with a total budget of 603k€, with Ecoliance RLP e.V. taking over a share of 114k€. The EU funding covers 90% of this amount.

Ecoliance RLP e.V. is pleased to be among the five European clusters that will develop euWater4i-SD.

Overview Flyer

Find new business opportunities and increase your competitiveness through internationalization!

Need information? We do market intelligence to ensure you have all the knowledge on the countries you are targeting and that you can access them easily.

Need competences? We offer training, consulting and coaching from experts, so that you have every chance of success in your internationalisation.

Need network? We organise trade missions, B2B meetings and matchmaking events in order for you to meet future partners and customers.

Need capital? We help you to find public and private financial opportunities at local, national and European level.

Besides Ecoliance RLP e.V., the other four partners are:


ACLIMA is the Basque environmental cluster (Spain) and the project coordinator of euWater4i-SD.

CREA Hydro&Energy

CREA Hydro&Energy is the Czech cluster for renewable energy, water and environmental technologies based in Brno.

France Water Team

France Water Team is the national cluster for the water sector in France.

Green Synergy Cluster

Green Synergy Cluster is the green innovation and green growth cluster from Bulgaria.

Six work packages were defined:

1. Project management and implementation

The objective of WP1-Project Management and implementation (led by Aclima) is to ensure the success of the project through adequate management, coordination and quality control mechanism, during the project lifetime in order to:

- Ensure efficient and smooth coordination as well as quality control of all project activities;
- Secure the realisation of project objectives on time and within the foreseen budget;
- Stimulate and support communication among the PPs and between the different WPs;
- Build efficient and pro-active relation with the European Commission / EASME.

2. Communication and dissemination

The main objective of WP2-Communication and Dissemination (led by Ecoliance) is to ensure effective external communication to achieve change and successful dissemination of project progress. External communication will focus on engaging relevant stakeholders, raising awareness, and disseminating euWater4i-SD results.

3. Designing the Joint International Strategy (JIS)

The WP3-Designing the JIS (led by CREA Hydro&Energy) paves the way on a Long-Term cooperation among the Partnership. Its final aim is to design a Joint International Strategy that will be tested in WP4 and WP5, before being fine-tuned and enriched in WP6, to set the Long-Term Sustainability of euWater4i-SD.

4. Validating the JIS through SMEs internationalisation programme

The main objective of the WP4-Validating the JIS through SMES Internationalisation Programme (led by France Water Team) is to deploy, implement and test the Joint Internationalisation Strategy. This corresponds to the validation phase of the project, involving SMEs from euWater4i-SD clusters in actions oriented to target markets.

5. ESCP4i Cross Fertilisation

Work Package 5. ESCP4i Cross fertilization (led by France Water Team) will contribute to improve the capacity of euWater4i-SD and its partnering clusters which result into partnership agreements with other clusters. This will be achieved by:

- Identifying strategic partners in and outside EU
- Enhancing the networking of the Consortium
- Improving the capacities of the euWater4i-SD PPs
- Establishing new partnerships
- Feeding the EU policy makers and stakeholder with specific recommendations

6. Long-term sustainability

This WP6 Long-Term Sustainability (led by Ecoliance) is devoted to building the future to guarantee a long-term collaboration scheme among all partners. As a matter a fact, it will focus at an early stage on monitoring the performance indicators and evaluate the impact of the direct actions implemented towards the SMEs (WP4) and the clusters (WP5).

The project focuses on global water-smart solutions (services, technologies and business models) enabling the transition towards sustainable territories through resource-efficient management and circular economy implementation.

There is a particular need for smart water solutions in five sectors as they are particularly affected by adequate water quantity and quality: construction, energy as a service, agriculture, industries and water resources management and supply. They can be identified as part of the sustainable territorial market and are particularly addressed by euWater4i-SD.

euWater4i-SD will target high-growth markets in continents and countries where European SMEs are underrepresented. This is the case in East African and medium-sized Latin American countries, where opportunities are numerous and increasing. These countries have already expressed their needs for water-smart solutions and will therefore be the focus of euWater4i-SD.

The project will build a one-stop shop for EU SMEs offering water-smart solutions to foster their business opportunities and increase their competitiveness at the global scale.

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The content of this document represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

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