KUNZ Rechtsanwälte provide legal support for the InnoATrak research project
The InnoATrak project, which is being carried out under the leadership of the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, focuses on the use or valorisation of previously unused waste heat from the re-cooling of power distribution networks. The intended utilisation concepts cover both the direct and indirect use of waste heat as well as its transport, distribution and utilisation via the waste water infrastructure. Thus, depending on local framework conditions, there is the concrete possibility of building a consistent and robust heat network with corresponding supply security through multiple feed-in, which ideally can control and compensate for supply and demand fluctuations as well as failures via intelligent heat distribution.
KUNZ will develop the relevant business models for municipal and private initiators for the implementation of waste heat utilisation concepts with a focus on public law, public procurement law and contractual law requirements. Read more... (in German)