Hydrogen at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld: the "H2 Campus" project
At the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, the topic of hydrogen is moving forward! Together with the Competence Centre for Fuel Cells, the Institute for Applied Material Flow Management (IfaS) is planning the pilot project "H2 Campus: Energy Self-Sufficient Environmental Campus as Incubator of a Sustainable Hydrogen Strategy for the Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park Region".
The project is to be financed 100 per cent by funding from the National Climate Protection Initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment and a federal economic stimulus package for the expansion and research of hydrogen technology. The total investment is around 5.5 million euros. The project outline was already submitted in 2020, and there was already positive feedback from the grant provider in autumn. The grant provider has now asked those responsible for the project to submit a formal application by 15 January. If the hoped-for approval is subsequently granted, the funding will run for a period of four years.
The concept of this project envisages, among other things, that at some point a zero-emission bus powered by this future technology will make its rounds through the national park region. This would give the region a unique selling point that would be effective in advertising and would stand for the promotion of sustainable tourism.
More about the H2 strategy at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld (in German)